Dear Lola,
I feel like I have a bazillion ideas for our home floating around in my head. Walking into any one room conjures up images & ideas that I have for every nook, cranny & crevice we own. Lucky for us Papa is the biggest go getter I know, has his own brilliant ideas brewing & gets to work acting upon them in record timing. He has a pinterest account and I don't. Enough said.
This past week we have added a few special touches to your room.
Papa had some awesome ideas of what to do with a beautiful piece of birch that fell down in the recent winds.
A shelf was made.
And a coat rack.
A huge black board was mounted in your room to your squeals of delight.
And as if that wasn't enough for one afternoon, as I was getting you up from your nap, Papa was busy in the shed whipping you up a pencil stand. Ready for you to use before you had time to say "Draw please!".
Your mama