
Friday, 25 April 2014

Dear Lola & Maeve,

Family picnics. For my whole life & from my earliest memories, which for me start around the age of three, there have always been family picnics. 

Tartan check throws, wicker picnic baskets, Oma's potato salad, Opa's stories, ball games and a leisurely stroll after we fill our bellies, only to come back & bask in the sun some more, and feast on sweet cakes & sip warm tea. With the setting sun and coolness of the early evening sending us home. 

On Good Friday we gathered once more, at an old favourite, to share our time like we have done so many times before. 

A few photos.

My wish for you Lola & Maeve, is for a lifetime of family picnics just like this one. 

Your mama


  1. What beautiful photos, words and memories! I am quite sentimental and love traditions like these, awesome! Love the last photo...gazing at each other, those matching green jackets and Maeve's hat...sigh! x

    1. Yes, I find myself more & more stopping to really appreciate the small things that really make our world special, as nothing lasts forever.. even though I wish it would! xx

  2. Sweet memories!
    I went to a funeral this week of my oldest friend's dear Opa (I only ever knew him as Opa too, not even sure of his real name). He was 102! His Oma lived til 98! they loved to dance, right to the end. They'll be tapping in Heaven. x

    1. Oh that's a very sweet comment! It brought a tear to my eye. I still have all my grandparents in my life, and so does my husband, meaning Lola & Maeve have 6 grandparents & 6 great grandparents - what a blessing! xx

  3. Hi Ash. I had a quick scan through this post at work when you posted it, but the tears welled straight away and I knew I had to close it down before weeping at my desk! I have been thinking a lot about it since and have finally come back to it. Thank you for posting the photos. As much as things change, and I can't be there, some things stay the same and it is very comforting to know of all of you there together thinking of past memories and creating new ones for the newest generation. Much love xx

  4. Ella, firstly I'm sorry if the post made you upset initially. But reading your thought process after the initial tears is extremely heart-warming. You are one of a kind my beautiful cousin. I can't help but think just how blessed Joni is to have you as her mum every time I read your words and think of you. After all, be it here or there, we are all creating precious memories to look back on and smile at. We love you all dearly xxx
